Thursday, May 31, 2007


idk if that title is spelled correctly btw...sry, just wanted to say that before starting.

Anyway, I HATE making decisions. Whether it's which store we go to or whats for dinner or what to wear or who does what, I don't like it. Leadership=not my thing. So like...I think that when it comes to times like these, i don't know what to do. I get anxious b/c its scary. What IF i make the wrong choice. What IF something...What IF...
Do I say something? Should I let God show this to someone if he wants people to know? Did I stumble upon this thing because I am supposed tell someone? WHATS THE DEAL HERE?! I'm confused and scared and sad. Disappointed by what I know.
Do you ever find something out then say "you know, life would be better if I didn't know this." Right now anyway. Being the only one who knows a secret can be a tricky thing. Or like if someone tells u they are harming themselves or something, u have to know what to do. So...anyway..I have found out this thing but dont know what to do. I'm scared. Of course I'm praying about it...and have been since...Saturday when I found this 'thing' out...please pray I'd know what to do. And if/when I figure out what to do I WILL DO it! B/c things like this aren't always easy to tell people about. Thanks,


Shadowoflove said...

trust god maggy....he gives peace to those who ask him for it......and he never gives us more then we can handle...he promises us that in his word.....he allows things to happen for a reason eve though we can't always see what it is....i think he donow all the tiem cuz he wants us to trust him to be able to walk through it....trials are ment to test our faith and make us stronger when we come through them......we don't always know what god is doing....but trust's always have faith.....he'll bring you through :)

Anonymous said...

Obviously if someone is hurting themselves you need to tell someone.(You know this already!)If it were me I wouldn't tell my parents or their parents, but a pastor. Their parents need to know, but the pastor can probably handle it much better since they're trained and have experience.

If it's not that serious, then I think you should just continue seeking God and let Him reveal to you what you need to do, and who to tell. I hate waiting, but it is good for us.

Definitely keep trusting, it's a key role, and it's very hard, but rewarding. Sometimes the right thing and hard thing are the same thing. Something like that ;) Haha, I am a horrible quoter.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and you spelled decisions right in your post, just mixed up the s and c in the title. No big deal, but since you pointed it out i figured I'd tell ya... ;)

Maggie said...

haha, thanks sarah! I knew SOMETHING didnt look right!

Zoanna said...

Do you love the person who told you this? Do you care that she's hurting herself (I assume a she but either way it's the same question). If you do love them, you'll seek their good. Good doesn't always mean "feel good." It means right. Do what's right and loving. Tell an adult you trust. AFter all, if you were hurting yourself, woudln't you hope someone would care and love you enough to get help for you? REad thru the Proverbs about what hiding a sin does vs what revealing a sin does. (And hurting oneself on purpose is sinful because the body is God's temple, something God made and loves). The person might not like being "found out" and might lash out at you, but God is your Defender and calls you to trust Him with the results. Read also First Corinthians 13 for how to love someone.

Maggie said...

Thanks miss Zo! I was talking to someone about it who really helped encourage me to let thier parents know even tho it's not a 'huge' deal. So that was good, thanks for the extra encouragment!